Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property

The Ideal Source for your Intellectual Property needs.  Our firm has extensive experience in protection of your brand. Whether it be a trademark, trade dress, or a trade secret, we can assist you and any brand protection.  Additionally, we can assist you with the copyright protection of your book, music, website, manuals, packaging, software/firmware source code, or image .


In today's world your "Brand" is everything.  You need an experience attorney that can assist you with the protection of your brand so that you can exploit it effectively.

To maximize the benefit, a trademark should not conflict with any already existing trademark whether registered or not. There are many ways to protect your brand and there are online companies that will say they can assist; but, they merely are looking for fees and are not concerned with your overall brand.  This is a reason you should use a qualified and experienced attorney to assist you in these matters.

Copyright ©

You worked hard to create that website, photo, book, or other work. To maximize the benefits of your work, you need an experienced attorney that can assist you in the registration so that you can stop any infringement of your hard work Additionally, we can assist you in the exploitation of your work through licensing to others.  

Registering the copyright is a prerequisite to bringing an infringement lawsuit. Copyright protects your creativity, and we can help you register it, enforce it, or defend you against infringement and related claims. We’re familiar with common mistakes during registration that could affect your claim during litigation. Our attorney can help you stop infringements and receive damages for them.


Trade secrets are a type of intellectual property that comprise formulas, practices, processes, designs, instruments, patterns, or compilations of information that have inherent economic value because they are not generally known or readily ascertainable by others, and which the owner takes reasonable measures to keep out of the general public.  We. can assist you with such protection.

Trade Dress

Trade dress is the characteristics of the visual appearance of a product or its packaging (or even the design of a building) that signify the source of the product to consumers.  Our firm can assist you in protection of your brand.  We can assist you in infringements and receive damages for infringement.

Representation, Registration and Prosecution Services, And More

Trade Dress And Trade Secrets

Trade Dress is a type of trademark protection which refers to the image and overall appearance of a product. You have invested significant time and energy creating the "look and feel" for your business or product, you deserve to have the sole right to use it without fear of infringement.  Our firm can assist you in the analysis and protection all the aspects of your products from packaging and design.

Business owners should take legal steps to maintain their exclusive right to Trade Dress, or they risk sacrificing rights. We can help your business with policies and procedures by:

• Creating a Protection Program to Fit the Business’ Needs
• Auditing Trade Dress Portfolios and Protections
• Drafting Non-Compete Agreements, Intellectual Property Assignments, and Confidentiality 
   and Non-Disclosure Agreements

Trade Secret refers to any information that has actual or potential economic value if the information remains secret and reasonable efforts have been made to maintain that secrecy. This may apply to recipes, formulas, patterns, compilations, programs, devices, methods, techniques, processes, financial data, or lists of customers and suppliers.

Business owners should take practical steps to maintain the secrecy, or they risk sacrificing trade secrets. We can help your business with policies and procedures by:

• Working to Identify and Evaluate Trade Secrets
• Auditing Trade Secret Portfolios and Protections
• Creating a Protection Program to Fit the Business’ Needs
• Establishing Procedures and Tools to Monitor Trade Secrets against Theft and Espionage
• Drafting Non-Compete Agreements, Intellectual Property Assignments, and Confidentiality 
   and Non-Disclosure Agreements
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